Sun Jun 19 2022

How do I get paid by overseas customers?

We designed Integritas Online with the view that we would offer our users the freedom to control their entire payment cycles on their own. Giving them the ability to collect export payments from overseas customers and transfer domestic currency to their corporate accounts instantly was an important part of this.

The Problem

We found that, when getting paid by customers abroad, businesses were either using outdated facilities, paying fees every time they were paid by customers or spent a long time on the phone to brokers. The consequence was that they were losing money or losing time, two of the most valuable commodities when running a business.

The Solution

Integritas users get their own individual named accounts safeguarded with Barclays Bank Plc via CurrencyCloud. These accounts are ring-fenced so only your money comes in and out of them. You are given your own unique IBANs (international bank account numbers) with a sort code and account number. Your payment details are then presented on the invoice you send to your international customers, who will pay directly into your Integritas Collection Account.

The invoice amount will then load up on your virtual e-wallet, and is shown as a balance on the dashboard. You’ll receive an email notification detailing the amount, and where the payment came from. When you have been paid, you can either hold the funds on balance, payout the same currency to another account, or convert the amount to Sterling and fund your business accounts. Payments are almost instant via the UK Faster Payment network and you are not charged any transaction fees.

How do I get access to Integritas Collection Accounts? You can access Integritas Collection Accounts by signing up for free to Integritas. (+44) 020 3880 8088